Alishev Timirhan Bulatovich
Candidate of Sciences in Sociology.
Chairman of the Academic Council of the faculty

Mukhametov Ayrat Rinatovich
Acting Dean

Vakhitova Larisa Viktorovna
Deputy Dean for Educational and Social Work

Azitova Gulsina Sharipovna
Candidate of Sciences in Pedagogics,
Associate Professor,
Council Secretary

Vershinina Olga Anatolyevna
Candidate of Sciences in Biology,
Director of the Department of External Affairs of KFU

Shimkovich Elena Dominicovna
Head of the Department of Natural Sciences, Physics and Mathematics,
Candidate of Sciences in Biology,
Associate Professor

Ivanova Daria Alexandrovna
Head of the Humanities Section,
Candidate of Sciences in Philology

Valeeva Dinara Rashidovna
Head of the Russian Language Section, Candidate of Sciences in Philology

Vladimirova Larisa Valentinovna
Candidate of Sciences in Philology,
Associate Professor,
Chairman of the Certification Commission

Makhmutova Guzel Fargatovna
Candidate of Sciences in Chemistry,
Associate Professor

Safin Rais Niyazovich
Candidate of Sciences in Philology,
Associate Professor

Urunova Raisa Dzhavkharovna
Doctor of Sciences in Philology,
Associate Professor

Stankovich Zinaida Grigorievna
Associate Professor, Ph.D. (Assistant Professor) of the Department of Russian Language for Pre-Bachelor's Training

Tsvetkov Sergey Anatolievich
professional group organizer, candidate of biological sciences, senior Lecturer at the Department of General Education Disciplines